Student’s Responsibility
The College faculty and counseling staff will make every effort to assist students in planning appropriate transfer programs. The courses in the transfer curriculum have been designed to maximize transferability to area senior institutions. Nonetheless, acceptability of transfer courses may vary from one institution to another institution. It is the responsibility of students to work closely with appropriate faculty and academic counselors in order to maximize ease of transfer to a senior institution.
In general, applicants to senior institutions are considered for transfer if they have maintained an overall “C” average on coursework attempted and are in good standing in other respects at the institution from which they are transferring. Also, in some instances, senior institutions will require applicants to take certain standardized tests to provide supplemental information on academic aptitude and/or achievement. Finally, although transfer is possible without completion of the two-year degree, the receipt of the degree may be beneficial to transfer students in gaining acceptance to senior institutions in that it demonstrates ability to persist in the achievement of a significant educational goal.
The transfer student should begin appropriate planning during the first semester at Coastal in accordance with the following guidelines.
Each transfer student should:
- Consult with an academic counselor, faculty advisor, or success coach during the first semester about long-range educational and/or career goals and determine which senior institutions have appropriate educational programs;
- Discuss with an academic counselor, faculty advisor, or success coach other factors that are important in choosing a senior institution, such as tuition cost, distance from home, institution size, and available extracurricular programs;
- Determine with an academic counselor, faculty advisor, or success coach which senior institutions are best suited in relation to all factors considered;
- Contact and/or visit the student’s selected senior institution(s) in order to consult with an admissions officer and/or faculty advisor to determine the appropriateness of the planned course of study at Coastal and for the student’s particular goals;
- Continue to consult with an academic counselor, faculty advisor, or success coach each semester to review progress at Coastal in relation to transfer goals while making any desirable or necessary adjustments in planning; and
- Apply to more than one senior institution of his/her choice at the earliest possible date during the second year at Coastal. Application deadline dates vary from one institution to another. Check by telephone or electronically to ensure that the completed applications have been received and are under consideration.
For Coastal Carolina Community College’s full Transfer of Credit to Other Institutions Policy, please see the College Catalog.