Where do I go to find my online class?

You can access Blackboard by logging into MyCCCC. On Coastal’s home page, select MyCCCC at the top of the browser window in the Search area.
Login information will be provided by the Registrar’s office. Upon initial login, you will be prompted to enroll in multifactor authentication, answer a series of challenge questions and change your password. See “use a strong password” for more information on our password requirements.
For technical support, contact the Coastal Help Desk at (910) 938-6123.
Once you have logged in to MyCCCC, click the link for Blackboard at the top of the page.

The Blackboard Interface

Though each course may have a customized layout based on how the Instructor has set up the class, all Blackboard classes will have basically the same functionality and the Welcome screen will look similar to the example below. Your current online classes are listed under “My Courses.” Announcements posted for any of your classes will display at the top. Make sure you check these regularly as they contain important information related to each class.
Your next step is to e-mail your instructor and let them know that you have successfully logged into Blackboard and located your class. This should be done on the first day of the semester after 12:00 noon when the class has been made available. Make sure you use your Office 365 e-mail address when communicating with your instructors (firstlastname123@my.coastalcarolina.edu) not your personal e-mail account.