Increasingly, colleges and universities across the country are incorporating research-based, high-impact practices as a part of an effort to enhance student completion rates. Among those practices are goal-setting and academic planning. Research shows that students who clearly define academic and career goals and who follow structured curricular pathways are more likely to successfully navigate the educational experience. Listed here are links to resources that further clarify the importance of student goal-setting and planning. Review and utilize them as appropriate.
ArticlesHelpful Links
The Shapeless River: Does a Lack of Structure Inhibit Students’ Progress at Community Colleges?
Scott-Clayton, J. (2011). The shapeless river: Does a lack of structure inhibit students’ progress at community colleges? Retrieved from
What We Know About Guided Pathways
Bailey T., Jaggers S., & Jenkins D. (2015, April). What we know about guided pathways. Retrieved from
Scott-Clayton, J. (2011). The shapeless river: Does a lack of structure inhibit students’ progress at community colleges? Retrieved from
What We Know About Guided Pathways
Bailey T., Jaggers S., & Jenkins D. (2015, April). What we know about guided pathways. Retrieved from
Building Guided Pathways to Accelerate Student Completion– Community College Research Center