New River Anthology 2020 Fl 2-19-20

Kylie Chadwick

Dancing silhouettes made of colorful textures

Submit poems, stories, essays, and artwork to be considered for
inclusion in the 2020 magazine by February 29th.
Submissions that are received after the due date will be considered for the 2021 Volume.
Submission Guidelines
Poetry — up to 5 poems
Fiction/Nonfiction — up to 5 pieces of fiction or nonfiction
up to 15 pages per submission
Artwork — up to 5 scanned files of artwork or photographs at 300 dpi
Names must not appear on your manuscript. Please attach a separate cover sheet that lists your name; titles of pieces; genre (artwork, poetry, fiction, or non-fiction); complete contact information (address, cell phone and alternate number, email); and a 25–50 word brief biography of yourself.
Send submissions via Internet as attached MS Word or .rtf document for text, and .jpg for artwork.
Our email address is-
Place the genre (poetry, fiction, non-fiction, or artwork) in the subject line of
the submission email.
Manuscripts or artwork not following these guidelines will not be considered for publication.
All work to be judged by the New River Anthology Board and student editors.
If you have any questions or concerns about submissions, please contact the English Division Office in CA111, Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Notification of acceptance — May 2020 Anthology Distribution — August 2020