What is Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR)?
SSPR is a solution that can be used when you have forgotten or would like to change your password. This allows you to change your password on your own without having to call the Help Desk.
How do I reset my forgotten password?
At a campus computer login screen or at the MYCCCC login page (off campus), click on the “forgot password” button, enter your user name, and click continue. Answer the series of security questions successfully and click continue once more. Enter your new password and confirm. Click continue one final time to complete the reset process.
Can I reset my password 24/7?
Yes, with self-service password reset you are able to reset your password whenever you may need to. You may reset your password anytime, 24/7/365.
Where can I change my password?
Go to MYCCCC portal page. At the top right corner click the link “Manage Your Account Settings” and then click “Change your password now”
When do I need to change my password?
Security policies require your password be changed every 90 days. However, if you feel that your password has been exposed, it is recommended that you change your password as soon as possible.
What makes for a “good” password?
It is highly recommended that you should select a password that is both easy for you to remember, and difficult for others to guess. We recommend a long password or passphrase of 15 characters or longer!
When selecting a password for use with your Coastal Carolina Community College account, it must meet the following minimum criteria:
- Be a minimum of ten characters long
- One lowercase character (a-z)
- One uppercase character (A-Z)
- One numeric character (1-9)