In the event of an emergency situation, Coastal Carolina Community College will execute predetermined plans and procedures to expedite appropriate communications for campus/community response services and to provide for safe and orderly evacuation of campus facilities when deemed necessary. Campus emergency plans support the protection of college property and, most importantly, the saving of lives. Emergency situations may include fire, medical emergencies, adverse weather, hazardous material spills, threats and/or acts of terror, utility emergencies, and bomb threats.
Upon encountering an emergency or threatening situation, students, faculty, and staff shall immediately contact the Security Services Department (910.938.6290) for assistance in communicating with appropriate College personnel. Security Services will immediately report the emergency or threat to the appropriate College personnel based on the following chain of command:
- College President,
- Vice President for Administrative Support Services,
- Vice President for Instruction, and
- Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness and Student Success
The College President, or next designated administrator, shall:
- Confirm the emergency or threat;
- Initiate communications with appropriate law enforcement, fire, and rescue response teams (if deemed necessary);
- Determine appropriate segment(s) of campus community (and/or larger segments of surrounding communities) to be notified regarding the emergency or threat. Note: The College will cooperate with appropriate city and/or county emergency response officials regarding the notification of communities which surround the College;
- Determine the content of the emergency notification announcement; and
- Initiate the campus emergency notification system.
The campus emergency notification system is regularly maintained and appropriately tested on an annual basis to evaluate the audibility and clarity of the sample test message which is directed toward one or more segments of the campus community. Documentation of annual test procedures is kept on file in the Office of the Vice President for Administrative Support Services.