Please take a few moments to complete your Leaver/Withdrawal Survey. The information on the Leaver Survey gives us insight into why you withdrew from Coastal Carolina Community College and your accomplishment of goals while at Coastal. Your input provides crucial information that is used to enhance the overall academic quality at Coastal Carolina Community College.
While completing the survey, we encourage you to answer Questions 2 and 3 which describes why you did not achieve your goal and your reason for leaving Coastal. This information allows Coastal to improve the attendance of students and improve on the Reentry and Assistance program.
You should know that:
- The surveys are kept strictly confidential.
- Coastal Faculty and Staff are provided with combined results for all leavers within a specific program.
- The surveys are short. It only takes approximately five minutes to complete a survey.
Please select the either the graduate survey or the withdrawal survey based on the semester you withdrew..
Graduate Survey
Leaver Withdrawal Survey