The Writer's Center
The Writer’s Center is a free resource available to all Coastal Carolina Community College students. It is a collaborative, supportive, and non-evaluative environment intended to help you with your writing in a way that will improve your writing abilities and confidence as a writer. Our tutors are English instructors who will work with you one-on-one to assist with any aspect of the writing process in any subject matter.
The Writer’s Center is on the second floor of the LRC in room 225.
910.938.6354 | writerscenter@coastalcarolina.edu
We are open Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Virtual Evening Hours (Video Only) Monday-Thursday 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
Tutors work remotely during evening hours, so they are available for video sessions only.
About the Writer's Center
Appointment Information
If this is your first time making an appointment, use the Make an Appointment button above to create an account so we have your information in our system. This information allows us to contact you regarding scheduling and to notify your instructors of your visit. Once you have registered with us the first time, you will not be asked to register again; the “Make an Appointment” button will take you directly to the WC appointment scheduling page.
You will need your Curriculum Code to register with us! You can find your Curriculum Code here.
If you are unsure which Academic Program you are enrolled in, go to MyCCCC>Self-Service and log in. Click on “Student Planning” and look under “Programs.” Then find the corresponding Curriculum Code through the link above.
Types of Tutoring
Face-Face Tutoring
Face-Face Tutoring sessions are held in the Writer's Center in room 225 on the second floor of the LRC. Please bring two printed copies of your writing and your instructor’s assignment directions.
Video Tutoring
During a video tutoring session, you will meet with a tutor through a video conference called Microsoft Teams, which is similar to Zoom, so you must be available during your appointment time. You must download the Microsoft Teams app to participate.
Document Feedback
Document feedback is offered as a secondary type of session for students who are unavailable during our operating hours. You will attach your Microsoft Word document to your appointment form, and a tutor will download it and send it back to you via email with thorough comments on it. To submit a draft for document feedback tutoring, choose a tutor whose name is preceded by “Document Feedback.” For example, our schedule will say “Document Feedback Bethany”. Our appointments have a specific time frame assigned to them. Tutors with return your document within two hours of your appointment.
- All tutoring sessions are 45 minutes long. We cannot guarantee that tutors will be able to help you with every aspect of your paper within the session time period. Tutors will focus on the most pressing issues at hand and will encourage you to come back later as needed.
- You may only schedule one appointment per day. For example, if you know you would like to have multiple sessions on a given day, go ahead and schedule one appointment, then you can schedule a return appointment after that session as long as you make revisions to your paper between appointments.
- If you scheduled a video session or document feedback appointment, please make sure you attach your draft and the assignment sheet as .doc or .docx format so tutors can review them electronically.
- To make the most of your Writer’s Center session, schedule appointments well before your paper is due because you’ll need plenty of time to revise your paper after the session.